Move to Centro Nautica.

Yesterday evening I was told about another marina, Centro Nautica, which barely got a mention in the pilot book.

After chatting with the german skipper moored next to me I decided to move. He had ventured outside Bahia Marina on foot and started to walk up to Cidade Alta. He was attacked by 5 youths with machetes and a dog. One knee was slashed by machete and the other savaged by the dog. His backpack, camera and money were taken.

Bahia Marina has good facilities but it's exposure to surge, dangerous location and high cost make it a poor option.

We left at 09:30 and after stopping to fill up with fuel in Bahia Marina (R$1.89 per litre) we motored around to the Centro Nautico where we moored on the inside of Pontoon A at 10:40.

Approaching Centro Nautico.

Fort guarding the bay in which Centro Nautico is located

Marina pontoons at Centro Nautico.

The cost at this marina is around R$21 per day and the facilities, while not to Marina Bahia standard, are pretty good. This is where most cruising yachts moor and there is a friendly atmosphere. Several yachties appeared and helped with mooring.

The location is much more central with good security. I spent the rest of the day pottering around the boat and did not leave the marina.